Play as a group
Play as group and improve your chances of winning a prize!
- From 2 to 100 shares per group
- Online only
- From 2 to 20 shares per group
- In-store only
- 21 to 100 shares per group
- In-store only
Group lotteries offered:

You’d like to play as a group in other lotteries?#
Here are a few tips:
- All group members must be age 18 or older;
- The person responsible for the group should:
- endorse the ticket with the mention, "as a group of X persons,"
- photocopy the ticket,
- provide a photocopy of the ticket to each group member,
- write up a group agreement, and date and sign it,
- provide a copy of the group agreement to each group member.
- The group agreement must contain the following information:
- The name of the person responsible for the group,
- The names and contact information, including postal code and telephone number, of each group member,
- The signature of each group member,
- Each person’s share,
- The name of the lottery product(s) purchased,
- The number(s) of the ticket(s) purchased,
- The date of each draw.
Loto‑Québec assumes no responsibility with respect to the accuracy or the use of information contained in any group agreement, at any time. Loto‑Québec cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. Furthermore, Loto‑Québec assumes no responsibility with respect to the sharing of a prize by the person responsible for the group, if that person has been designated by the group members to receive the payment. Note that only the original ticket may be presented to a retailer for payment.

Group of 19 winners

Group of 11 winners

Group of 10 colleagues