You may purchase online draw lotteries by going to Play Online. Just select your favourite lottery to begin the purchasing process.
Two ways to play
You may play your favourite numbers,* or opt for a Quick Play.
*This option is not available for all draw lotteries.
Favourite selections
Create your favourite selections to replay them later: The My Favourites section enables you to save your favourite selections* to replay them quickly and easily.
*This option is not available for all draw lotteries.
Your results
Quickly review draw results in which you have participated and winnings, if any. To do so, go to My purchases by clicking My lottery activities or by viewing the Games sub-tab. To view your results, you must be connected to your Espacejeux account.

In the Results tab, the draws in which you have participated are organized by draw date and lottery, starting with the most recent draw.

To view draw results and the amount of your prize, if any, just select the appropriate draw.
For more information on claiming prizes won online, see the How to claim a prize won online section, below.
Free plays or selections won online are automatically issued for the next draw of the relevant lottery. You may view your free plays or selections for the next draw in the My Purchases section. Note that you cannot select or change your free plays or selections, and that Extra cannot be added.
E-mail preferences
By clicking E-mail preferences on the My lottery activities tab, you may configure e-mail notifications to receive the results of your online lottery purchases, draw results, the amount of the next jackpot and notices regarding a lottery product’s last draw. You may also subscribe to the newsletter to receive information on Loto-Québec offers and promotions.