Mots cachés Édition multigrille
See the Mots cachés winners
Mots cachés Édition multigrille - Summary
- COST: $20
- GRAND PRIZES: $250,000
- LAUNCHED: June 26, 2023
- GAME NUMBER: 7-3008
How to play
- Scratch "VOS LETTRES" (your letters) one at a time. For each letter* uncovered, scratch only the identical letters found in the grids 1 to 6.
- Repeat until all the letters in "VOS LETTRES" have been scratched.
- In grids 1 and 2, if you have scratched in a same grid four to eleven (4 to 11) words which respect the rules below, you win the corresponding prize as indicated in the legend.
- If you have scratched all the letters of the "CONNECTEUR" (connector) word in pink connecting grids 1 and 2, you win $20 instantly.
- In grid 3, if you have scratched five to eleven (5 to 11) words which respect the rules below, you win the corresponding prize as indicated in the legend.
- In grid 4, if you have scratched all the letters of a same vertical word, you win the prize associated under the "LOT" (prize) box.
- In grids 5 and 6, if you have scratched in a same grid two to five (2 to 5) words which respect the rules below, you win the corresponding prize as indicated in the legend.
Only one prize per grid can be claimed.
*Excluding the content of the validation number.
NOTE: If both symbols in the "√" box are found in "VOS LETTRES", validate your ticket at a retailer.
- The "word" must contain at least three letters.
- The "word" cannot be formed by linking letters diagonally, from right to left or from bottom to top.
- The "word" must be formed from letters appearing in all adjoining squares forming a vertical or horizontal line and cannot be separated by a coloured space without a letter.
- Each letter of the "word" must appear in "VOS LETTRES".
Checking tickets and prize claim
You can check this ticket online and via our mobile app.
You've won the lottery? Congratulations! To claim a prize, fill out the back of your ticket. Present the ticket in whole, within 12 months from the date of issuance of this lottery.
Prize structure and odds of winning
Description | Prizes | Number of prizes* | Odds of winning |
Winner 1 prize | |||
Grids 1 and 2 | |||
11 words | $20,000 | 10 | 1 / 65,000.0 |
10 words | $1,000 | 500 | 1 / 1,300.0 |
9 words | $100 | 2,580 | 1 / 251.9 |
8 words | $50 | 8,700 | 1 / 74.7 |
7 words | $40 | 8,700 | 1 / 74.7 |
6 words | $30 | 8,650 | 1 / 75.1 |
Game Connect 2 grids | $20 | 34,650 | 1 / 18.8 |
5 words | $20 | 12,550 | 1 / 51.8 |
4 words | $10 | multiple prizes only | |
Grid 3 | |||
11 words | $250,000 | 4 | 1 / 162,500.0 |
10 words | $5,000 | 30 | 1 / 21,666.7 |
9 words | $500 | 20 | 1 / 32,500.0 |
8 words | $250 | 80 | 1 / 8,125.0 |
7 words | $100 | 4,500 | 1 / 144.4 |
6 words | $50 | 6,050 | 1 / 107.4 |
5 words | $20 | 13,000 | 1 / 50.0 |
Grid 4 | |||
$100 | 2,600 | 1 / 250.0 | |
$50 | 6,500 | 1 / 100.0 | |
$25 | 8,700 | 1 / 74.7 | |
$20 | 8,650 | 1 / 75.1 | |
$10 | multiple prizes only | ||
Grids 5 and 6 (mini grids) | |||
5 words | $50 | 8,650 | 1 / 75.1 |
4 words | $25 | 850 | 1 / 764.7 |
3 words | $20 | 13,000 | 1 / 50.0 |
2 words | $10 | multiple prizes only | |
Winner 2 prizes | |||
$10 + $20 | $30 | 32,450 | 1 / 20.0 |
Winner 3 prizes | |||
$10 + $10 + $10 | $30 | 43,350 | 1 / 15.0 |
* These figures are based on sales of 650,000 tickets.
The odds of winning a prize can vary, depending on the number of claimed prizes and the quantity of printed tickets.
"Mots croisés" answer sheet
See below for the answers to all three "Mots croisés" crossword puzzles.
1. Région du Québec.
2. Poisson de la famille des cyprinidés. - Sert à la fabrication de bombes incendiaires.
3. Note valant deux blanches. - Mini album.
4. Décoré. - Dans l'alphabet grec.
5. Action de descendre. - Au ... et à mesure.
6. Indique l'idée de petitesse. - État d'euphorie.
7. Disponibles.
8. Mesure de superficie agraire. - Il a été élu au Québec en 1960.
9. Ruiner (réduire à ...). - Oublie.
10. Figure en forme de T. - Se servir d'un crayon.
1. Magnifique.
2. Flair. - Roue à gorge d'une poulie.
3. Vieille négation. - Chacun tente de sauver la sienne.
4. Tentation.
5. Plus à l'est qu'au nord. - Élancé.
6. Dieu solaire. - Décès.
7. Inflorescences en grappes. - Progrès de quelque chose.
8. Gallium. - Conifères à baies rouges. - Philos, en grec.
9. Tasmanie. - Utilisateur.
10. Se dégrade. - Le temps des terrasses.
1. Capacités.
2. Choses qui éveillent l'intérêt.
3. Sert à ouvrir les menottes. - Bonbon.
4. Situe un morceau de musique. - Courant en février.
5. Apparence légère. - Évoque les vacances.
6. Difficile à soulever.
7. Mis en mouvement. - Travail.
8. Lieu de souffrances. - Indubitable.
9. Dit non. - Adjectif démonstratif.
10. Suspension d'attaques. - Est utile à.
1. Partie latérale d'une route.
2. Partie charnue des fruits. - (S')associer.
3. Appareil de levage. - Être imaginaire.
4. Chiffres romains. - Traite de haut.
5. Manière de parler. - Bain de sang.
6. Ceux qui se servent d'un service public.
7. Prend un repas. - Poissons de nos lacs.
8. Exposé pour la vente. - N'a pas chaud.
9. Centième partie du yen. - Degré de concentration.
10. Coule dans l'arbre. - Met en place.
1. Signe typographique.
2. Ne pas travailler. - On y parle anglais.
3. Oiseau de basse-cour. - Forêt-noir.
4. Elle peut tourner. - Test.
5. Enlèvent. - Fort.
6. Petit jardin public.
7. Fait partie d'un rire. - Familière.
8. Sert à suspendre. - Oiseaux bleus.
9. Employée. - Récipient utile aux chimistes.
10. Comme un renard. - L'art dramatique.
1. Qui retient l'attention.
2. Injection d'un stupéfiant. - Venu de.
3. Un peu fous. - Établi.
4. Éminence. - Recherche méthodique.
5. Un endroit sec. - Pas signalés.
6. État de l'Asie occidentale. - Mangeoires.
7. Intitulée.
8. Pronom relatif. - Raconte avec des détails.
9. Qui a déjà servi. - Rapport.
10. Essentielle aux poissons. - Roupillon.
Governed by the By-law respecting the Mini Loto, any instant lottery and any "pool" type lottery. All winning tickets must be confirmed through the validation number. The sale of lottery tickets to minors is forbidden by law. At the time of purchase, some of the prizes offered may have already been claimed.